The Complete Aubrey Maturin Series, #1-21

Master and commander by Patrick O'Brian. Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin tales are widely acknowledged to be the greatest series of historical novels ever written. All eighteen books are being re-issued in hardback by HarperCollins with stunning new jackets to coincide with a new film based on the adventures and to introduce these modern classics to a new generation. Master and Commander is the first of Patrick O'Brian's now famous Aubrey/Maturin novels, regarded by many as the greatest series of historical novels ever written. It establishes the friendship between Captain Jack Aubrey RN and Stephen Maturin, who becomes his secretive ship's surgeon and an intelligence agent. It contains all the action and excitement which could possibly be hoped for in a historical novel, but it also displays the qualities which have put O'Brian far ahead of any of his competitors: his depiction of the detail of life aboard a Nelsonic man-of-war, of weapons, food, conversation and ambience, of the landscape and of the sea. O'Brian's portrayal of each of these is faultless and the sense of period throughout is acute. His power of characterisation is above all masterly. This brilliant historical novel marked the debut of a writer who grew into one of our greatest novelists ever, the author of what Alan Judd, writing in the Sunday Times, has described as 'the most significant extended story since Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time'. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #1. Book Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1990 DVD Call #: DVD PR6029.B55 M379 2004

Post captain by Patrick O'Brian. The Peace of Amiens has left Jack Aubrey with no ship, no enemy to pursue, and no possibility of prize money to supplement his meager income. His decision to seek refuge from his troubles, and creditors, in France proves doubly disastrous. Series: The Aubrey/Maturin series #2. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1990

H.M.S. Surprise by Patrick O'Brian. At the opening of his third novel in an ongoing adventure series by Patrick O'Brian, Jack Aubrey is cruising off Cape Sicie when his friend Stephen Maturin (more serenely situated in Sussex) is informed of the Board's decision regarding Aubrey's prize money, taken after victorious engagement with a Spanish squadron at Cape Santa Maria. The money, five million pieces of eight, is not, as is the custom of war, to be divided among the crews of the four victorious vessels, but is to be treated as droits of the Crown of England. Five million pounds is, after all, five million pounds. It will be a hard rub for Aubrey, who had counted on that money to clear his debts and make himself a suitable match, but no more hard than for Maturin who spends much of his free time at Mapes Court in the company of the lovely Sophia Williams, Aubrey's betrothed. How could Stephen deliver the news that would break Sophia's heart? When Jack docks at Portsmouth, he is clapped in irons forthwith, and carried off to a sponging house for debtors. Jack knows a prisoner can rot in jail, so when Sir Joseph graciously offers him escape aboard the H.M.S. Surprise, bound for the East Indies, he makes for the only place where his unsteady virtue remains intact: the sea. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #3. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1991

The Mauritius command by Patrick O'Brian. Captain Jack Aubrey is ashore on half pay without a command. Then Stephen Maurin arrives with secret orders for Aubrey to take a frigate to the Cape of Good Hope under a commodore's pennant there to mount an expedition against the French-held islands of Maurutius and La Reunion. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #4. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1991

Desolation island by Patrick O'Brian. Jack's prize money has set the household accounts aright, but if he continues frittering it on naive extravagances, it will be gone in a fortnight. Fortunately he gets a commission aboard the Leopard, bound for Australia to rescue the hated and captive Captain Bligh. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #5. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1991

The fortune of war by Patrick O'Brian. Jack Aubrey, commander of the best-armed frigate in the Royal Navy, leaves the Dutch East Indies to return to England in a dispatch vessel, but the outbreak of the War of 1812 delays his journey and draws him into bloody battle. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #6. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1991

The surgeon's mate by Patrick O'Brian. As Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are on their way home to report their latest victory to the government, they are menaced by those out to capture Maturin for his actions against the French intelligence network in the New World. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #7. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The Ionian mission by Patrick O'Brian. For the first time in Jack Aubrey's long, illustrious career, the sea, to which he had escaped with very little more than his dignity in tact, brings small solace to him because of his increasing despondency over debts and troubles at home. Shoved into a temporary command in "that rotten old Worcester," Aubrey is off to the Mediterranean to join the Royal Navy's blockade of the French port of Toulon, where he will be dispatched by Admiral Harte (unfortunately the same Admiral Harte he cuckolded years ago) on a secret mission that promises to embroil Aubrey in political conflict. His friend Stephen's help notwithstanding, Aubrey faces some of the choppiest waters of his career. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #8. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

Treason's harbour by Patrick O'Brian. The espionage activities of cunning ship's surgeon Stephen Maturin have kept him at odds with the most important French agent in the Mediterranean, Lesueur, a man with a long memory and a taste for revenge. When that revenge takes the shape of the delicate and distracting Mrs. Fielding, who also attracts the ever-wandering eye of Jack Aubrey, Stephen's sensibilities are severely tested. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #9. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The far side of the world by Patrick O'Brian. The South Seas are a paradise for battle-weary Captain Jack Aubrey and ship's surgeon Stephen Maturin. But their peace is disturbed when Stephen's fancy for a peculiar marine organism lands him overboard. Acting in his usual headstrong fashion, Jack dives into the rescue, unfortunately failing to plan what will happen once they are both in the water watching the sails of the Surprise disappear in the mist. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #10. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The reverse of the medal by Patrick O'Brian. Jack Aubrey is back in London after a successful mission. On the advice of an acquaintance he uses the time to invest some of his prize money. However when the investments link him to London's powerful criminal element and land him in jail it looks as if he has lost his post captaincy and the H.M.S. Surprise. It is once again up to ship's surgeon and covert agent Stephen Maturin to rescue his hapless friend. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #11. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The letter of Marque by Patrick O'Brian. In The Letter of Marque, Jack is once again aboard his beloved Surprise but stripped of his post captaincy for a crime he did not commit. Bought by Stephen, the Surprise has become a privateer. Sailing into French waters, the two concoct a desperate mission which, if successful, may redeem Aubrey from his state of disgrace. A nighttime battle with an unusual climax, a jewel of great value and Stephen's fondness for opium make this segment of O'Brian's masterful series both original and profoundly exciting. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #12. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The thirteen-gun salute by Patrick O'Brian. Captain Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin set sail aboard the Diane for the South China Sea, shepherding a diplomatic mission to prevent links between Bonaparte and the Malay princes. If their mission fails, English merchant shipping in the area will be threatened. At the barbaric court of Pulo Prabang, the stage is set for a duel of intelligence agents, pitting the savage cunning of Stephen Maturin against the French envoys, who are already entrenched in the Sultan's favor. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #13. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1992

The nutmeg of consolation by Patrick O'Brian. Captain Jack Aubrey and mischievous Dr. Stephen Maturin, shipwrecked on a desert island in the South China Sea, fashion a makeshift vessel from the wreckage, only to have it destroyed in a fiery attack by Malay pirates. Only the wondrous ingenuity of Stephen, along with the unexpected appearance of one of Jack's oldest allies, leads them to escape, and to dubious safety in a penal colony at New South Wales.The fourteenth installment of Patrick O'Brian's hugely successful Aubrey/Maturin series.Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #14. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1993

The truelove by Patrick O'Brian. A British whaler has been captured in the Friendly Isles, and Captain Jack Aubrey is dispatched with the Surprise to restore order. But a female convict who escaped from the penal colony in New South Wales has stowed away in the cable-tier. To the officers, Clarissa Harvill is an object of awkward courtliness and dangerous jealousies. Married to one of the men on board, she continues to scratch the itches of her husband's messmates and creates a lot of trouble. Even Aubrey struggles with his own attraction to this woman who will not speak of her past. Only Aubrey's friend, Dr. Stephen Maturin, can fathom Clarissa's secrets: her crime, her personality - and a clue identifying a highly placed English spy in the pay of Napoleon's intelligence service. The fifteenth installment of Patrick O'Brian's hugely successful Aubrey/Maturin series. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #15. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1993

The wine-dark sea by Patrick O'Brian. Captain Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin set sail for Peru, where they encounter volcanic eruptions, Maturin's illegitimate son, and danger. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #16. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1994

The commodore by Patrick O'Brian. After a dangerous tour of duty in the Great South Sea, Jack and Stephen finally return to their families in England. For Jack, the return is joyful, but for Stephen, it is heartbreaking. His wife, Diana, has left for parts unknown; his young daughter has all the symptoms of autism. To escape these painful circumstances, Stephen joins Jack on a bizarre decoy mission to the lagoons of the Gulf of Guinea. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #17. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1996

The yellow admiral by Patrick O'Brian. Jack Aubrey fears for his career as his hopes of achieving the rank of admiral dim in the face of peace, but he is offered a reprieve when Stephen Maturin brings news that the Chileans are seeking English officers to lead their navy and then he receives notice that Napoleon has escaped from Elba. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #18. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1997

The hundred days by Patrick O'Brian. Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin race against time in an attempt to intercept a shipment of gold ingots to a horde of Muslim mercenaries who, if paid, are prepared to help Napoleon in his campaign across Europe. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #19. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 1999

Blue at the mizzen by Patrick O'Brian. Captain Aubrey stakes all on a desperate solo night raid against the might of the Spanish viceroy in Peru. Series: Aubrey/Maturin series #20. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 2000

21: the final unfinished voyage of Jack Aubrey: including facsimile of the manuscript by Patrick O'Brian. Blue at the Mizzeni> (novel #20) ended with Jack Aubrey getting the news, in Chile, of his elevation to flag rank: Rear Admiral of the Blue Squadron, with orders to sail to the South Africa station. The next novel, unfinished and untitled at the time of the author's death, would have been the chronicle of that mission, and much else besides. The three chapters left on O'Brian's desk at the time of his death are presented here both in printed version- including his corrections to the typescript-and a facsimile of his manuscript, which goes several pages beyond the end of the typescript to include a duel between Stephen Maturin and an impertinent officer who is courting his fiancee. Of course we would rather have had the whole story; instead we have this proof that O'Brian's powers of observation, his humor, and his understanding of his characters were undiminished to the end. Aubrey/Maturin series #21. Call #: PR6029.B55 A135 2010

Pirate Nonfiction

The pirate queen: Queen Elizabeth I, her merchant adventures, and the dawn of empire by Susan Ronald. Based upon historical records and numerous personal letters between Queen Elizabeth I and others, tells the story of the "Pirate Queen" and her merchant adventurers who terrorized the seas and help build an empire. Call #: Call #: DA356.R58 2007

The Pirates. The Seafarers

The pirates by Douglas Botting. Series: The Seafarers. Discusses and documents the infamous activities of pirates around the world from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, including Henry Every, Stede Bonnet, John Rackam, Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, and others. Call #: Call #: G535.B62

The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Contest for the American Coast

The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Contest for the American Coast by Andrew Lipman. "Andrew Lipman's eye-opening first book is the previously untold story of how the ocean became a "frontier" between colonists and Indians. When the English and Dutch empires both tried to claim the same patch of coast between the Hudson River and Cape Cod, the sea itself became the arena of contact and conflict. During the violent European invasions, the region's Algonquian-speaking Natives were navigators, boatbuilders, fishermen, pirates, and merchants who became active players in the emergence of the Atlantic World. Drawing from a wide range of English, Dutch, and archeological sources, Lipman uncovers a new geography of Native America that incorporates seawater as well as soil. Looking past Europeans' arbitrary land boundaries, he reveals unseen links between local episodes and global events on distant shores."--Publisher's description. Call #: Call #: E78.N5 L57 2015

Pirate DVDs

Black Sails, 1-3

Black sails The complete first season. 1715. New Providence Island is a lawless territory, controlled by notorious pirate captains. The most feared is Captain Flint. As the British Navy returns to exterminate Flint and his crew, another side of him emerges. He allies himself with Eleanor Guthrie, daughter of the local kingpin, to ensure their survival. Many opponents stand in their way: rival captains; Eleanor's father; and John Silver, recently recruited into Flint's crew, who constantly undermines his captain's agenda. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.B5437 2015

Black Sails: The Complete Second Season (DVD, 2015) NEW - Picture 1 of 1

Black sails The complete second season. The Walrus crew is stranded with an army of Spanish soldiers standing between them and their precious Urca gold. And with their crimes against their brethren no longer a secret, Flint and Silver must join forces in a desperate bid for survival. Meanwhile, Eleanor Guthrie struggles to maintain her grip on Nassau, as a new breed of pirate arrives in the form of Ned Low, a man for whom violence isn't just a tool, it's a pastime. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.B5437 2015

Black Sails Season 3 [DVD] [2017] -  CD EYVG The Fast Free Shipping - Picture 1 of 2

Black sails The complete third season. In the wake of the burning of Charles Town, all the New World lives in fear of Captain Flint. But when his campaign of terror crosses over into madness, and new threats emerge to challenge his supremacy, it falls to John Silver to locate the man within the monster, before Flint's war against the world consumes them all. Meanwhile, on the pirate island of Nassau, it's a new day. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.B5437 2016

Pirates of the Caribbean, 1-4

Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the Black Pearl The roguish yet charming Captain Jack Sparrow's idyllic pirate life capsizes after his nemesis, the wily Captain Barbossa, steals his ship, the Black Pearl, and later attacks the town of Port Royal. Captain Barbossa kidnaps the governor's beautiful daughter, Elizabeth. In a gallant attempt to rescue her and recapture the Black Pearl, Elizabeth's childhood friend Will Turner joins forces with Jack. What Will doesn't know is that a cursed treasure has doomed Barbossa and his crew to live forever as the undead. Call #: DVD PN1995.9.P49 P573847

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest Captain Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman. Unless Jack can find a way out, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation. Call #: DVD PN1995.9.P49 P573847 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: At world's end After Elizabeth, Will, and Captain Barbossa rescue Captain Jack Sparrow, who is trapped in Davy Jones' Locker, they must face their foes. Lord Cutler Beckett, now has control of Jones' heart and forms a dark alliance with him in order to rule the seas and wipe out the last of the Pirates. Jack, Barbossa, Will, Elizabeth, and crew must call the Pirate Lords from the four corners of the globe, including the infamous Sao Feng, together. The Pirate Lords want to release the goddess Calypso, Davy Jones's damned lover, from the trap they sent her. The Pirate Lords must combine the 9 pieces that bound her by ritual to undo it and release her in hopes that she will help them fight. All pirates will stand together and make their final stand for freedom against Beckett, Jones, Norrington, the Flying Dutchman, and the entire East India Trading Company. Call #: DVD PN1995.9.P49 P573847 2007

Pirate Documentaries

Real pirates outlaws of the sea. This live-action docu-drama separates fact from fiction as it brings to rousing life the golden age of pirates! Hear the legends and discover the theatrical lore of such feared men and women as Blackbeard, who mixed gunpower with his rum; Captain William Kidd, the so-called "gentleman pirate"; Captain Morgan, the Welsh buccaneer; Bartholomew Roberts, from whom guard ships fled; Mary Reed and Anne Bonny, who outplundered and outfought most men. Call #: DVD G535.R43 2006

Conquest of the Americas Call #: DVD E18.82.C66 2002

Pirate Movies

The adventures of Tintin Unquenchably curious young reporter Tintin and his fiercely loyal dog Snowy discover a model ship carrying an explosive secret. Drawn into a centuries-old mystery, Tintin find himself in the sightlines of Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine, a diabolical villain who believes Tintin has stolen a priceless treasure tied to a dastardly pirate. With the help of Snowy, Captain Haddock, and bumbling detectives Thompson & Thompson, Tintin will travel half the world to find the final resting place of the Unicorn. Call #: DVD PN1997.2.A37 2012

The princess bride A kindly grandfather sits down with his grandson and reads him a bedtime story. As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive in a classic tale of love and adventure. The beautiful Buttercup is kidnapped and held against her will in order to marry the nasty Prince Humperdinck, while Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) attempts to save her. Along the way he meets an accomplished swordsman and a giant, both of whom become his companions in his quest. Call #: DVD PS3557.O384 P7 2001

Swiss family Robinson "The film opens on a ship jostled and torn by a raging storm while a family struggles to make it through alive. Tossed into a reef near a deserted tropical island, father John Mills takes charge and the family soon turns their island prison into a veritable paradise. Their multilevel tree house, built in record time, is complete with running water and a working pipe organ scavenged from the ship, while their grand yard is abloom in English roses. As a tale of hardship and pioneer pluck, the tale is pure fantasy, but as entertainment it's energetic and appealing. The island is impossibly populated by ostriches, zebras, lions, and elephants, a private zoo that delights the youngest boy and offers plenty of comic relief. The two older brothers discover even wilder life when they rescue the prisoner of oriental pirates (led by hard- bitten Sessue Hayakawa). There's little real danger anywhere in the film--even the climactic battle with the pirates is a cartoonish affair, with coconut bombs and nonlethal booby traps, until the final desperate, deadly moments. Hardly a faithful adaptation of the novel, but a lush, beautifully photographed film and an entertaining adventure safe for all ages"-- tt0054357/amazon (as viewed on 09-29-09). Call #: DVD PT2583.W9 S32 2002

Viking Nonfiction

The age of the Vikings by Anders Winroth. A history of the Vikings, discussing their settlements, their vast trading networks, the myths surrounding them and more. Call #: DL65.W63 2014

Encyclopedia of invasions and conquests from ancient times to the present by Paul K. Davis. The Encyclopedia of Invasions and Conquests, a comprehensive guide to 192 invasions, conquests, battles, occupations, and military leaders from ancient times to the present, takes readers on a journey that includes the Roman conquest of Britain, the Portuguese colonization of Brazil, and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. This engaging, lucid, carefully researched volume provides a thorough review of each battle while examining the repercussions on infrastructure, tradition, language, and more. Some entries cover civilizations and cultures (Han Dynasty, the Huns, the Uzbeks), while others are devoted to selected historical figures (Julius Caesar, Napoleon Buonaparte, Douglas MacArthur). Each chapter provides a map to help readers locate key areas and geographical features. Other features include cross-references, a cumulative bibliography, and a comprehensive subject index. Photographs, maps Call #: REF D25.A2 D38 2006

Handbook of Norse mythology by John Lindow. Authoritative, comprehensive reference incorporating the latest research on tales, literary and oral sources, and the broad-reaching cultural legacy of Norse mythology. Series: Handbooks of world mythology Call #: BL860.L56 2001

Icelanders in the Viking age: the people of the sagas by William R. Short. "This text introduces the modern reader to the daily lives and material culture of the Vikings. Topics covered include Icelandic religion, social customs, the settlement of disputes, and major milestones in life of Viking-age Icelanders. Issues of dispute among scholars, such as the nature of settlement and the division of land, are addressed in the text"--Provided by publisher.  Call #: DL334.N65 S56 2010

The Oxford illustrated history of the Vikings edited by Peter Sawyer. With settlements stretching across a vast expanse and with legends of their exploits extending even farther, the Vikings were the most far-flung and feared people of their time. Yet the archaeological and historical records are so scant that the true nature of Viking civilization remains shrouded in mystery.
In this richly illustrated volume, twelve leading scholars draw on the latest research and archaeological evidence to provide the clearest picture yet of this fabled people. Painting a fascinating portrait of the influences that the "Northmen" had on foreign lands, the contributors trace Viking excursions to the British Islands, Russia, Greenland, and the northern tip of Newfoundland, which the Vikings called "Vinlund." We meet the great Viking kings: from King Godfred, King of the Danes, who led campaigns against Charlemagne in Saxony, to King Harald Bluetooth, the first of the Christian rulers, who helped unify Scandinavia and introduced a modern infrastructure of bridges and roads. The volume also looks at the day-to-day social life of the Vikings, describing their almost religious reverence for boats and boat-building, and their deep bond with the sea that is still visible in the etymology of such English words as "anchor," "boat," "rudder," and "fishing," all of which can be traced back to Old Norse roots. But perhaps most importantly, the book goes a long way towards answering the age-old question of who these intriguing people were. From sagas to shipbuilding, from funeral rites to the fur trade, this superb volume is an indispensable guide to the Viking world. Call #: : DL65.O94 1997

Sagas of the Norsemen: Viking and German myth by Loren Auerbach. Series: Myth and mankind. Interest Level: Young Adult Call #: BL860.A93 1997

Viking Age: everyday life during the extraordinary era of the Norsemen by Kirsten Wolf.  Though infamous for their pirating and raiding, active Vikings were actually only a tiny fraction of the total Scandinavian population during the so-called Viking Age. This exploration of their culture goes beyond the myths into the prosaic realities and intimate details of family life; their attitude toward the more vulnerable members of society; their famed longships and extensive travels; and the role they played in the greater community. In addition to images and maps, a timeline lays out Viking history. Call #: DL65.W655 2013

The vikings by Robert Wernick and the editors of Time Life.  Profusely illustrated text discusses the history, customs, life style, and discoveries of the VikingsSeries: The Seafarers. Call #: DL65.W43

The White Horse King: the life of Alfred the Great by Ben Merkle. Chronicles the life of Alfred the Great, focusing on how he saved Britain from invading Vikings, sparked a literary renaissance, rebuilt Britain's roadways, revised legal codes, and revived Christian learning and worship.  Call #: Call #: DA153.M48 2009

Viking Fiction

Avalon by Anya Seton. This saga travels across across oceans and continents to Iceland, Greenland, and North America during the time in history when Anglo-Saxons battled Vikings and the Norsemen discovered America. The marked contrasts between powerful royalty, landless peasants, Viking warriors and noble knights are expertly brought to life in this gripping tale of the French prince named Ramon. Shipwrecked off the Cornish coast on his quest to find King Arthur's legendary Avalon, Rumon meets a lonely girl named Merewyn and their lives soon become intertwined. Rumon brings Merewyn to England, but once there he is so dazzled by Queen Alrida's beauty that it makes him a virtual prisoner to her will. Call #: PS3537.E787 A93 2005

Viking DVDs

Vikings, Seasons 1-6

Vikings Season 1. Ragnar, a would-be Viking chieftain, longs to fulfull his destiny as an explorer and conqueror, alongside his ambitious brother Rollo and loyal wife Lagertha. But as Ragnar leads daring raids in distant realms across the ocean, treacherous forces in his Norse homeland conspire against him. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2013

Vikings Season 2. Armed with more power and greater responsibility, Ragnar's desire to seek out and conquer new kingdoms remains unquenchable. Loyalties shift as friends turn to foes and unlikely alliances are formed. Amidst all the war and political confusion, not a single soul is spared in the name of supremacy. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2014

Zoom in on Front Zoom. Vikings: Season 3 [3 Discs].

Vikings Season 3. Prepare to raid and wage battle once again, in an ancient kingdom dominated by vengeance, lust and thrilling conquest. The gripping family saga of Ragnar, Rollo, Lagertha and Bjorn continues as loyalties are questioned and bonds of blood are tested. Now king of his people, Ragnar remains a restless wanderer, leading his band of Norse warriors on epic adventures from the shores of Essex to the mythical city of Paris. But stunning betrayals and hidden dangers will test Ragnar's courage and strength like never before. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2015

Vikings Season 4, Excellent Condition, Travis Fimmel,Clive Standen,Gustaf Skarsg - Picture 1 of 1

Vikings Season 4, part 1. Vikings returns for a gripping fourth season. Season three culminated with the extraordinary battle in Paris, where Ragnar seized victory from the jaws of defeat, but still returns to Kattegat dangerously ill. Thoughts of his death galvanize the forces who seek to succeed him as king, including his wife Queen Aslaug and his oldest son, Bjorn. Meanwhile, Lagertha continues power struggles with her calculating, former second in command, Kalf. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2016

Vikings Season 4, part 2. Battles, treachery and power grabs rage on in Vikings Season Four. Ragnar's return to Kattegat following his shameful defeat in Paris escalates tension among his sons. Determined to save what remains of his legacy, Ragnar recruits Ivar for a perilous voyage to England, where he plans to attack the Saxons. Meanwhile, a prophecy that a woman will one day rule Kattegat deepens Aslaug and Lagertha's feud. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2017

Vikings Season 5, part 1. Season five begins with Ivar the Boneless asserting his leadership over the Great Heathen Army, while Lagertha reigns as Queen of Kattegat. Iver's murder of his brother Sigurd sets the stage for vicious battles to come, as Ragnar's sons plot their next move after avenging their father's death. Bjorn follows his destiny into the Mediterranean Sea, and Floki, who is suffering from the loss of his wife Helga, takes to the seas submitting himself to the will of the gods. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2018

Vikings Season 5, part two. Season Five begins with Ivar the Boneless asserting his leadership over the Great Heathen Army, while Lagertha reigns as Queen of Kattegat. Iver's murder of his brother Sigurd sets the stage for vicious battles to come, as Ragnar's sons plot their next move after avenging their father's death. Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2019

Vikings Season 6: Vol. 1 (DVD) : Various, Various: Movies & TV -

Vikings Season 6, part 1. Season Six returns following the battle between brothers which left Bjorn Ironsides a hero to the people who have been under the tyrannical rule of Ivar for so long. As the new leader of Kattegat, Bjorn struggles to fill his late father's shoes as king, while facing critical dilemmas and wrestling with the idea that power overshadows morals. Meanwhile, Ivar travels to Russia and meets his match in Prince Oleg, a ruthless and unpredictable ruler. Call #: DVD791.45/75.

Vikings Season 6, part 2. by Call #: DVD PN1992.77.V55 2022

Viking Documentaries

Digging for the truth Vikings: voyage to America Cross the ocean on the trail of the legendary Scandinavian explorers, Eric the Red and his son Leif the Lucky, believed to have set foot on the New World some 500 years before Columbus. Visit important sites in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland in the quest to determine whether the sagas are true. Call #: DVD DL65.V588 2011

Little Ice Age: Big Chill

Little ice age big chill explores the Little Ice Age, a period of climate cooling between the 14th and 19th centuries, and its impact on history.Call #: DVD QC981.8.I23 L58 2005

Blood of the Vikings

Vikings: Blood of the Vikings Call #: DVD DL65.V642 2003


Vikings: Trail of the Vikings Call #: DVD DL65.V64 2003


The Vikings Investigates an image of the Vikings that goes deeper than their stereotype as raiding marauders. They were also expert shipbuilders, superb artisans, canny merchants, and bold colonizers. Call #: DVD DL65.V555647 2006

Viking Movies

The 13th warrior. After being warned by a fortune-teller that their fight against legendary creatures is doomed to failure unless they have a 13th warrior, a travelling ambassador (Antonio Banderas) is given no choice but to join a group of fierce fighters. Call #: Call #: DVD PN1997.T445 1999

Children’s Collection

Magic Tree House Series

Dinosaurs before dark by Mary Pope Osborne. Eight-year-old Jack and his younger sister Annie find a magic tree house, which whisks them back to an ancient time zone where they see live dinosaurs. Magic tree house series, #1. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1992

The knight at dawn by Mary Pope Osborne. Eight-year-old Jack and his younger sister Annie use the magic tree house to travel back to the Middle Ages, where they explore a castle and are helped by a mysterious knight. Magic tree house series, #2. Reading Level: 2.9, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1993

Mummies in the morning by Mary Pope Osborne. Jack and his younger sister take a trip in their tree house back to ancient Egypt, where they help a queen's mummy continue her voyage to the Next Life. Magic tree house series, #3. Reading Level: 3.2, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1993

Pirates past noon by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house whisks Jack and Annie back to the days of deserted islands, secret maps, hidden gold, and nasty pirates. Magic tree house series, #4. Reading Level: 3.5, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1994

Night of the Ninjas by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back in time to feudal Japan where the Siblings learn about the ways of the Ninja. Magic tree house series, #5. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1995

Afternoon on the Amazon by Mary Pope Osborne. Eight-year-old Jack, his seven-year-old sister, Annie, and Peanut the mouse ride in a tree house to the Amazon rain forests, where they encounter giant ants, flesh-eating piranhas, hungry crocodiles, and wild jaguars. Magic tree house series, #6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1995

Sunset of the sabertooth by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house transports Jack and Annie on a mission to the Ice Age where they encounter Cro-Magnons, cave bears, sabertooth tigers, and wooly mammoths. Magic tree house series, #7. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1996

Midnight on the moon by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic treehouse takes Jack and Annie to a moon base in the future where they continue to search for the fourth thing they need to free their friend Morgan from the magician's spell. Magic tree house series, # 8. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1996

Dolphins at daybreak by Mary Pope Osborne. Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answer to an ancient riddle. Magic tree house series, #9. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1997

Lions at lunchtime by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to Africa where they meet up with wonderful wild animals, a very hungry warrior, and where they even solve a riddle. Magic tree house series, #11. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Polar bears past bedtime by Mary Pope Osborne. Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to the Arctic, where a polar bear leads them onto very thin ice. Magic tree house series, #12. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Vacation under the volcano by Mary Pope Osborne. Their magic tree house takes Annie and Jack to Pompeii just as Vesuvius is about to erupt, and they must find a Roman scroll before everything is covered with burning ash. Magic tree house series, #13. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Day of the Dragon King by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back two thousand years to ancient China where they must find the original copy of an old legend before the Imperial Library is burned down by the evil Dragon King. The Magic tree house series, # 14. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Viking ships at sunrise by Mary Pope Osborne. Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back to a monastery in medieval Ireland, where they try to retrieve a lost book while being menaced by Viking raiders. Magic tree house series, #15. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Hour of the Olympics by Mary Pope Osborne. Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back to retrieve a lost story in ancient Greece, where they witness the original Olympic games and are surprised to find what girls of the time were not allowed to do. Magic tree house series, #16. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1998

Tonight on the Titanic by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house transports Jack and Annie to the deck of the Titanic to find the mysterious gift that will free a small dog from a magic spell. Magic tree house series, #17. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1999

Buffalo before breakfast by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house takes Jack and his sister Annie to the Great Plains where they learn about the life of the Lakota Indians. Magic tree house series, #18. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1999

Tigers at twilight by Mary Pope Osborne. Having used their magic tree house to travel to India, where they must get a gift to help free the dog Teddy from a spell, Jack and Annie have adventures involving a tiger and other endangered jungle animals. Magic tree house series; # 19Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 1999

Dingoes at dinnertime by Mary Pope Osborne. The magic tree house whisks Jack and Annie away to Australia where they must save some animals from a wildfire. Magic tree house series #20. Reading Level: 3.3, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ7.O81167 Ma 2000

How to Train Your Dragon, 1,3 & 4

How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell. Chronicles the adventures and misadventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as he tries to pass the important initiation test of his Viking clan, the Tribe of the Hairy Hooligans, by catching and training a dragon. How to Train Your Dragon Series #1. Reading Level: 5.4 Interest Level: 3-6 Call #: CC PZ7.C83535 Ho 2004

How to speak dragonese by Cressida Cowell. Recounts the further escapades of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as he continues his Viking training during which he escapes from a boatload of Roman soldiers and searches for his kidnapped dragon. How to Train Your Dragon Series #3. Reading Level: 6.6, Interest Level: 3-6 . Call #: CC PZ7.C83535 Hn2006

How to cheat a dragon's curse: the heroic misadventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III by Cressida Cowell. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III must go to great lengths to find a potato, the only thing that will cure his friend Fishlegs of the deadly disease Vorpentitis. How to Train Your Dragon Series #4. Reading Level: 6.6 Interest Level: 3-6 . Call #: CC PZ7.C83535 Hm 2007

Inheritance series, 1-3

Eragon by Christopher Paolini. In Aagaesia, a fifteen-year-old boy of unknown lineage called Eragon finds a mysterious stone that weaves his life into an intricate tapestry of destiny, magic, and power, peopled with dragons, elves, and monsters. Series: Inheritance series # 1. Reading Level: 5.8, Interest Level: Young Adult. Call #: PZ7.P19535 Er 2003

Eldest by Christopher Paolini.   Inheritance series #2. Interest Level: Young Adult. Call #: PZ7.P19535 El 2005

Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular by Christopher Paolini. The further adventures of Eragon and his dragon Saphira as they continue to aid the Varden in the struggle against the evil king, Galbatorix. Inheritance series #3. Interest Level: Young Adult. Call #: PZ7.P19535 Bri 2008

Raising dragons by Jerdine Nolen.  A farmer's young daughter shares numerous adventures with the dragon that she raises from infancy.Reading Level: 3.5, Interest Level: K-3. Call #: CC PZ7.N723 Rai 1998

Train your angry dragon by Steve Herman. "Andrew explains the unique problems involved in having a dragon for a pet--particularly the dangers that an angry dragon poses"--Provided by publisher. My dragon books series #2. Reading Level: 3.0, Interest Level: K-3. Call #: CC BF575.A5 H47 2018

Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard, 1-3

The sword of summer by Rick Riordan."Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother's mysterious death, he's lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he's tracked down by an uncle he barely knows-a man his mother claimed was dangerous. Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die ..."--Publisher. Book I of the Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard series. Reading Level: 4.8, Interest Level: 5-8. Call #: CC PZ7.R4829 Sw 2017

The Hammer of Thorby Rick Riordan. "Thor's hammer is missing again. The thunder god has a disturbing habit of misplacing his weapon--the mightiest force in the Nine Worlds. But this time the hammer isn't just lost, it has fallen into enemy hands. If Magnus Chase and his friends can't retrieve the hammer quickly, the mortal worlds will be defenseless against an onslaught of giants"--Amazon. Book II of the Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard series. Reading Level: 5.1 Interest Level: 5-8. Call #: CC PZ7.R4829 Ham 2018

The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan. "Magnus and his friends set sail for the farthest borders of Jotunheim and Niflheim in pursuit of Asgard's greatest threat, Loki's demonic ship full of zombies"--Provided by publisher. Book III of the Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard series. Reading Level: 5.1 Interest Level: 5-8. Call #: CC PZ7.R4829 Shi 2019

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Eric Carle's dragons dragons & other creatures that never were by Eric Carle. An illustrated collection of poems about dragons and other fantastic creatures by a variety of authors. Reading Level: 6.4, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PN6109.97.C37 1991

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Eric Carle's animals, animals by Eric Carle. An illustrated collection of poems by a variety of authors describing the peculiarities of pets and wild and domestic animals. Call #: CC PN6110.A7 C37 1999

Peter Pan by Christy Webster.  "Wendy flies to Never Land with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell! Can they escape from Captain Hook?"--P. [4] of cover. Series: Step into reading. Step 1, ready to read. Call #: CC PZ7.W38977 Pe 2013

Treasure Island by Deidre S. Laiken.  While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of an inn and her son find a treasure map that leads to a pirate fortune--and great danger. Series: Great illustrated classics. Reading Level: 7.0, Interest Level: 5-8. Call #: PZ7.S8482 Tr 1977

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads to a pirate fortune as well as great danger. Reading Level: 7.0, Interest Level: Young Adult. Call #: PR5486.A1 1994

Where the mountain meets the moon by Grace Lin. Minli, an adventurous girl from a poor village, buys a magical goldfish, and then joins a dragon who cannot fly on a quest to find the Old Man of the Moon in hopes of bringing life to Fruitless Mountain and freshness to Jade River. Reading Level: 5.5, Interest Level: 3-6. Call #: CC PZ8.L6215 Whe 2011

A wind in the door by Madeleine L'Engle. With Meg Murry's help, the dragons her six-year-old brother saw in the vegetable garden play an important part in his struggle between life and death. Reading Level: 5.3, Interest Level: 5-8. Call #: PZ7.L5385 Wi 1997

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